This is a graduate seminar in the Philosophy of Logic at the University of Oxford, run jointly by myself and Volker Halbach in Hilary Term 2021.

The theme will be self-reference, truth, and the hierarchy of consistency strength.
A detailed schedule, including the list of topics and readings is available on Volker’s web site.
The seminar will be held Fridays 9-11 am during term, online via Zoom at 812 2300 3837.
The final two sessions of term will be specifically on the hierarchy of consistency strength, based on my current article in progress concerning the possibility of natural instances of incomparability and ill-foundedness in the hierarchy of large cardinal consistency strength.
Will it be put on YouTube or anything?
No, this seminar is a discussion style seminar, rather than a lecture, and so we don’t want to record it, so as to encourage student participation as much as possible.
Interesting stuff! Is this only open to BPhil students at Oxford, or are others welcome to listen in? (If the latter, will readings appear in due course on Prof. Halbach’s course page?)
Yes, the readings will appear on Professor Halbach’s web page for the course. The seminar is officially for Oxford-affiliated students, but we have made the link public, and so I suppose it is fine to join in, but if there are any problems with this policy we will revise it.
Pingback: A review of several fixed-point theorems, with applications | Joel David Hamkins
Pingback: Nonlinearity in the hierarchy of large cardinal consistency strength | Joel David Hamkins
Dear Prof. Hamkins –
I’ve been following your research, publications and teaching for some time. Is there any chance you could release the recordings, provided you have anything? I feel as though they would complement ‘Lectures on the Philosophy of Mathematics’ very well.
Thank you for your kind words. These seminars were not recorded, however, so there is nothing to release. We had specifically deliberated on this issue and decided that in order to encourage maximum student participation in this discussion-format seminar, we would not record the sessions.
Dear Prof. Hamkins,
Many thanks for your reply. Your research and teaching are truly fantastic!
In future iterations of this course, should provisions remain akin to what they are now, could you record these lectures? I believe they would serve to the benefit of the broader mathematics community.
Kind regards,