Extensions with the approximation and cover properties have no new large cardinals

[bibtex key=Hamkins2003:ExtensionsWithApproximationAndCoverProperties]

If an extension $\bar V$ of $V$ satisfies the $\delta$-approximation and cover properties for classes and $V$ is a class in $\bar V$, then every suitably closed embedding $j:\bar V\to \bar N$ in $\bar V$ with critical point above $\delta$ restricts to an embedding $j\upharpoonright V:V\to N$ amenable to the ground model $V$. In such extensions, therefore, there are no new large cardinals above delta. This result extends work in my article on gap forcing.

One thought on “Extensions with the approximation and cover properties have no new large cardinals

  1. Pingback: Approximation and cover properties transfer upward | Joel David Hamkins

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