At the conclusion of my talk today for the CUNY Math Graduate Student Colloquium, Freiling’s axiom of symmetry Or, throwing darts at the real line, I had assigned an exercise for the audience, and so I’d like to discuss the solution here.
The axiom of symmetry asserts that if you assign to each real number $x$ a countable set $A_x\subset\mathbb{R}$, then there should be two reals $x,y$ for which $x\notin A_y$ and $y\notin A_x$.
Informally, if you have attached to each element $x$ of a large set $\mathbb{R}$ a certain comparatively small subset $A_x$, then there should be two independent points $x,y$, meaning that neither is in the set attached to the other.
The challenge exercise I had made is to prove a finite version of this:
The finite axiom of symmetry. For each finite number $k$ there is a sufficiently large finite number $n$ such that for any set $X$ of size $n$ and any assignment $x\mapsto A_x$ of elements $x\in X$ to subsets $A_x\subset X$ of size $k$, there are elements $x,y\in X$ such that $x\notin A_y$ and $y\notin A_x$.
Proof. Suppose we are given a finite number $k$. Let $n$ be any number larger than $k^2+k$. Consider any set $X$ of size $n$ and any assignment $x\mapsto A_x$ of elements $x\in X$ to subsets $A_x\subset X$ of size at most $k$. Let $x_0,x_1,x_2,\dots,x_k$ be any $k+1$ many elements of $X$. The union $\bigcup_{i\leq k} A_{x_i}$ has size at most $(k+1)k=k^2+k$, and so by the choice of $n$ there is some element $y\in X$ not in any $A_{x_i}$. Since $A_y$ has size at most $k$, there must be some $x_i$ not in $A_y$. So $x_i\notin A_y$ and $y\notin A_{x_i}$, and we have fulfilled the desired conclusion. QED
Question. What is the optimal size of $n$ as a function of $k$?
It seems unlikely to me that my argument gives the optimal bound, since we can find at least one of the pair elements inside any $k+1$ size subset of $X$, which is a stronger property than requested. So it seems likely to me that the optimal bound will be smaller.