I am a professor at the City University of New York, where I have held a faculty position since 1995. (I have taken various leaves of absence for various appointments at other universities.) The City University is the nation’s largest urban university system, with over 250,000 students spread over 11 senior colleges and more, with the doctoral programs centered largely at the Graduate Center, which borrows much of its faculty from the colleges.
The College of Staten Island is one of the senior colleges of the City University of New York, situated on an ample wooded campus surrounded by Willowbrook Park and the Greenbelt nature preserve. I am Professor of Mathematics at the college, and this is where I do all my undergraduate and masters-degree level teaching at CUNY. The mathematics department has research strengths in many areas, including probability, topology, logic and set theory and also applied mathematics, housing the CUNY High Performance Computing Center. Most of our undergraduate mathematics majors aim to become mathematics teachers, and almost all of our masters-level mathematics students are current high school teachers gaining their certifications. I was appointed to the mathematics faculty at the college in 1995, and served as Assistant Professor 1995-1998; Associate Professor 1999-2002; tenure granted 2000; and full Professor since 2003.

I am also on the doctoral faculty of the CUNY Graduate Center, which is home to most of the university’s doctoral programs and is in many ways the center of research life at CUNY. Located in midtown Manhattan just across the corner from the Empire State Building, the Graduate Center forms the main part of the Advanced Learning Superblock, joined by Oxford University Press and the NYPL Science Library. The Mathematics program has diverse research strengths, including a remarkably large faculty in mathematical logic, as does the program in Computer Science. The CUNY Graduate Center Philosophy program is one of the world’s top-rated universities in the area of mathematical logic (and a few years ago was rated number one in this category). We offer a vigorous schedule of logic seminars at the Graduate Center, with many distinguished visiting speakers and audiences filled with faculty and students from around the NYC metropolitan region.
I am a member of the Graduate Center doctoral faculty in three areas:
I regularly teach graduate courses at the Graduate Center and supervise the dissertation research of my Ph.D. graduate students there. I am also currently a member of the Executive Committee of the mathematics program.