NATO Research Grant, 1999 – 2000

I was co-PI on this NATO Collaborative Research grant, organized by Mirna Dzamonja, with Arthur Apter, myself and six others as co-PIs.

Indestructibility Phenomena of Large Cardinals, NSF program grant, 1999 – 2003

J. D. Hamkins,  Indestructibility Phenomena of Large Cardinals, National Science Foundation, program grant, NSF DMS 9970993, July 15, 1999 to June 30, 2003.

Summary Abstract:  Professor Hamkins will continue his research on the indestructibility phenomena of large cardinals. This work, lying at the common focus of two broad set-theoretic research efforts, namely, forcing and large cardinals, seems particularly promising in light of the recent advances that have emerged from his earlier work with gap forcing and the lottery preparation. Specifically, Professor Hamkins will investigate a series of open questions concerning the extent to which indestructibility is possible with various kinds of large cardinals, with a particular focus on the strongly compact cardinals. In addition to this work, he will continue his work on two other projects, the automorphism tower problem and the new theory of infinite time Turing machines, a model of infinitary computation. Professor Hamkins’ research involves the study of the sublime, inaccessible notions of mathematical infinity, which have fascinated mathematicians for centuries. In the twentieth century, particularly in the past thirty years, set theorists have gained a profound understanding of the largest of these transfinite numbers, large cardinals. Professor Hamkins has been particularly interested in how large cardinals are affected by forcing, the technique invented by Paul Cohen by which set theorists have had glimpses into alternative mathematical universes and realized the rich diversity of mathematical possibility. Much of his work therefore lies in the common focus of two major set-theoretic research efforts, namely, forcing and large cardinals. He will endeavor to investigate the curious indestructibility phenomena of these cardinals, by which their largeness survives in a wide variety of mathematical universes.

Indestructibility Phenomenon of large cardinals, PSC-CUNY grant, 1999 – 2000

J. D. Hamkins, Indestructibility Phenomenon of large cardinals, PSC-CUNY grant 30, 1999 – 2000.

Transfinite Mathematics, PSC-CUNY grant, 1998 – 1999

J. D. Hamkins, Transfinite Mathematics, PSC-CUNY grant 29, 1998 – 1999.

Kobe University, JSPS Fellowship, 1998

An elegant meal in KobeI held a JSPS Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at the Graduate School of Kobe University, in Kobe, Japan, from January to December, 1998.  I was a part of the Kobe University Logic Group, and Philip Welch served as my official mentor at that time.  Jörg Brendle started in Kobe at very nearly the same time.


CUNY Logic Workshop grant, CUNY Faculty Development program, 1997 – 1998

This was a grant used to support the CUNY Logic Workshop in its early days, 1997 – 1998, funded by the CUNY Faculty Development program.

Between Indestructibility and Superdestructibility, PSC-CUNY grant, 1997 – 1998

Between Indestructibility and Superdestructibility, PSC-CUNY grant 28, 1997 – 1998.

Collaborative Research in Logic, CUNY Collaborative Incentive grant, 1996 – 1998

J. D. Hamkins and A. W. Apter, Collaborative research in mathematical logic, CUNY Collaborative Incentive grant award, 1996 – 1998.

Forcing Inner Model Properties, PSC-CUNY grant, 1996 – 1997

J. D. Hamkins, Forcing Inner Model Properties, PSC-CUNY grant 26, 1996 – 1997.

University of California at Berkeley, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1994 – 1995

Berkeley-viewJust after earning my Ph.D. there the year before, I held a post-doctoral Visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of California at Berkeley during the academic year 1994 – 1995.  I had by that time already been offered my position at the City University of New York, but was able to defer the start of that position from 1994 to 1995 in order to accommodate the Berkeley position.