Infinite chess and the theory of infinite games, Dartmouth Mathematics Colloquium, January 2014

Releasing the hordesThis will be a talk for the Dartmouth Mathematics Colloquium on January 23rd, 2014.

Dartmouth Green

Abstract. Using infinite chess as a central example—chess played on an infinite edgeless board—I shall give a general introduction to the theory of infinite games. Infinite chess is an example of what is called an open game, a potentially infinite game which when won is won at a finite stage of play, and every open game admits the theory of transfinite ordinal game values. These values provide a measure of the distance remaining to an actual victory, and when they are known, the game values provide a canonical winning strategy for the winning player. I shall exhibit

several interesting positions in infinite chess with high transfinite game values. The precise value of the omega one of chess, however, the supremum of all such ordinal game values, is an open mathematical question; in the case of infinite three-dimensional chess, meanwhile, Evans and I have proved that every countable ordinal arises as a game value. Infinite chess also illustrates an interesting engagement with computability issues. For example, there are computable infinite positions in infinite chess that are winning for white, provided that the players play according to a computable procedure of their own choosing, but which is no longer winning for white when non-computable play is allowed. Also, the mate-in-n problem for finite positions in infinite chess is computably decidable (joint work with Schlicht, Brumleve and myself), despite the high quantifier complexity of any straightforward representation of it. The talk will be generally accessible for mathematicians, particularly those with at least rudimentary knowledge of ordinals and of chess.

Poster | Slides (8mb) | Transfinite game values in infinite chess | The mate-in-n problem of infinite chess is decidable

Rubik's cube competition, CSI, November 14, 2013

Rubik's cube 2

Come and compete in the CSI Rubik’s cube competition!

November 14, 2013, College of Staten Island of CUNY, 1S-107, 2:30 pm.

Sponsored by MTH 339, and the CSI Math Club.

As a part of the undergraduate course in abstract algebra (MTH 339), which I am teaching this semester at the College of Staten Island, we shall hold a Rubik’s cube competition on November 14th.  In class, I have used the Rubik’s cube as a source of examples to explain various group-theoretic concepts, and I have encouraged the students to learn to solve the cube.  Several have now already mastered it, and there seems lately to be a lot of Rubik’s cube activity in the math department.  (I am giving extra credit for any student who can solve a scrambled cube in my office.)

Several students have learned how to solve the cube from the following video, which explains one of the layer-based solution methods:

Free New York Pizza!

The Competition.  On November 14, 2013, we will have the Rubik’s cube competition, with several rounds of competition, to see who can solve the cube the fastest.  Prizes will be awarded, and best of all, there will be free pizza!

Results Of the Competition

The event has now taken place. We had 15 competitors, from all around the College and beyond.  We organized two qualifying heats of 7 and 8 competitors, respectively, taking the top four from each qualtifying heat to form the quarterfinalist competitors. The top four of these formed the semifinalist competitors. And the top two of these headed off in the championship round.  The champion, Sam Obisanya, won all the rounds in which he competed, and his cube was a blaze of lightning color as he solved it.  Honorable mention goes especially to Oveen Joseph, who faced Sam in the championship round and who came out to the college from middle school I.S.72, where he is in the 7th grade, and also to Justin Mills, who had extremely fast times.


Itiel Cohen (CSI math major)

William George (CSI math major)

Oveen Joseph (middle school I.S.72, 7th grade)

Wing Yang Law (CSI math major)

Justin Mills (CSI psychology major)

Mike Siozios (CSI math major)

Sam Obisanya (CSI nursing major)

James Yap (CSI math major)


Oveen Joseph

Justin Mills

Sam Obisanya

James Yap

Championship round:

Oveen Joseph

Sam Obisanya

Final Champion:

 Sam Obisanya

Congratulations to our champion and to all the competitors.

Rubik's cube


Win the game of Nim! CSI Math Club, October, 2013

This will be a talk for the CSI Math Club on October 31, 2013 at 2:30 pm in room 1S-107.

DSC00074Abstract  Come and learn how to play and win the game of Nim!  The game has two players, faced with several small piles of blocks.  Each player, on their turn, can remove one or more blocks from one pile, but only one pile. (Removing a whole pile is fine.)  The player who removes the last block wins.  This simple-to-describe game is maddening for those who don’t know the secret mathematical winning strategy.  Come and learn the mathematical secret that will allow you to win every time against someone who doesn’t know it.



Address at the Dean's List Ceremony

As the designated faculty speaker, selected after nominations from all the various departments at the college, I made the following remarks, in full academic regalia, at the Dean’s List ceremony this evening at the College of Staten Island.

College of Staten IslandThank you very much to the Dean for the kind introduction.

I am pleased and honored to be here, amongst the elite of the College of Staten Island, students who have made the Dean’s list for academic accomplishment. You have proved yourselves in the challenges of academic life and you should be proud. I am proud of you.

You are our intellectual powers, engines of thought and reason. Probably your minds are running all the time—it does seem a little hot in here…

In the classic Wim Wenders film, “Wings of Desire,” some characters are able to hear and experience the thoughts of others. And although one ordinarily imagines a library as a place of quiet contemplation, in the film the library was a cacophy of voices, a hundred trains of thought running through, each audibly expressing the content of a person’s mind.

This is how I like to imagine the arena of the mind, lively and exciting.

But also playful. Perhaps I’m called on to offer some advice to you, and my advice is this: pursue an attitude of playful curiosity about your subject, whatever it is. Play with new ideas, explore all facets of them, going beyond whatever had been expected of you. You will be led to vast new lands of imagination. 

A while back, my son Horatio, in fourth grade at the time, showed me his math homework. His teacher had said, “I am thinking of a number. It has a 3 in the ten’s place. The digits add to 10. It is prime. What is my number?” Can anyone solve it? Yes, 37 is a solution, and Horatio also had found it. He asked me, “are there other solutions?”  Now perhaps an unimaginative person might think only of two-digit numbers, and in this case, 37 is the only solution. But with imagination, we can seek out larger possibilities. And indeed Horatio and I worked together at the cafe and realized that 433 is another solution, as well as 631 and 1531. I checked a table of prime numbers, and found that 10333 is also a solution, as is 100,333.  I began to wonder:  are there infinitely many solutions? I had no idea how to prove such a thing.

So I posted the question to one of the math Q & A sites, and it immediately rocketed to the top, getting thousands of views. Mathematicians all around the world were thinking about this playful version of my son’s homework problem. Some of these mathematicians wrote computer programs to find more and more
solutions; one young mathematician found all the solutions up to one hundred million, systematically. Another found enormous solutions, gigantic prime numbers, one with 416 digits (mostly zeros), which were also solutions of the problem. But with regard to whether there are infinitely many solutions or not, we still had no answer.  It turns out to be an open mathematical question;  nobody knows, and the question leads to deep number-theoretic waters. 

Another instance of playfulness began when I was a graduate student. A prominent visiting mathematician (Lenore Blum) gave a talk about the theory of infinitely precise computation, concerning computational devices able to undertake perfectly accurate real number arithmetic. After the talk, inspired, a group of us speculated about other infinitary notions of computability: what could or should one do with a computational device able to undertake infinitely many steps of computation? We played with the idea, and over several years a theory gradually emerged.  Although some of my research colleagues had discouraged me, I ignored them and continued to play with and develop my theory. In time, our ideas grew into a new theory of infinitary computation. We had invented the subject now known as infinite time Turing machines. Those playful ideas led to a new theory that is now studied around the world, with new masters theses written on it and Ph.D. dissertations written on it, and conferences focused on it; our original article now has hundreds of citations.

Play is not always easy. It took years of seriously hard work in the case I just mentioned; but essential to that work was play. So please play! Explore your ideas further, and see where they take you!

Thank you very much.

Satisfaction is not absolute, CUNY Logic Workshop, September 2013

This will be a talk for the CUNY Logic Workshop on September 27, 2013.

Abstract.  I will discuss a number of theorems showing that the satisfaction relation of first-order logic is less absolute than might have been supposed. Two models of set theory $M_1$ and $M_2$, for example, can agree on their natural numbers $\langle\mathbb{N},{+},{\cdot},0,1,{\lt}\rangle^{M_1}=\langle\mathbb{N},{+},{\cdot},0,1,{\lt}\rangle^{M_2}$, yet disagree on arithmetic truth: they have a sentence $\sigma$ in the language of arithmetic that $M_1$ thinks is true in the natural numbers, yet $M_2$ thinks $\neg\sigma$ there. Two models of set theory can agree on the natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$ and on the reals $\mathbb{R}$, yet disagree on projective truth. Two models of set theory can have the same natural numbers and have a computable linear order in common, yet disagree about whether this order is well-ordered. Two models of set theory can have a transitive rank initial segment $V_\delta$ in common, yet disagree about whether this $V_\delta$ is a model of ZFC. The theorems are proved with elementary classical methods.

This is joint work with Ruizhi Yang (Fudan University, Shanghai). We argue, on the basis of these mathematical results, that the definiteness of truth in a structure, such as with arithmetic truth in the standard model of arithmetic, cannot arise solely from the definiteness of the structure itself in which that truth resides; rather, it must be seen as a separate, higher-order ontological commitment.


The role of the axiom of foundation in the Kunen inconsistency, CUNY September 2013

This will be a talk for the CUNY Set Theory Seminar on September 20, 2013 (date tentative).

Abstract. The axiom of foundation plays an interesting role in the Kunen inconsistency, the assertion that there is no nontrivial elementary embedding of the set-theoretic universe to itself, for the truth or falsity of the Kunen assertion depends on one’s specific anti-foundational stance.  The fact of the matter is that different anti-foundational theories come to different conclusions about this assertion.  On the one hand, it is relatively consistent with ZFC without foundation that the Kunen assertion fails, for there are models of  ZFC-F  in which there are definable nontrivial elementary embeddings $j:V\to V$. Indeed, in Boffa’s anti-foundational theory BAFA, the Kunen assertion is outright refutable, and in this theory there are numerous nontrivial elementary embeddings of the universe to itself. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Aczel’s anti-foundational theory GBC-F+AFA, as well as Scott’s theory GBC-F+SAFA and other anti-foundational theories, continue to prove the Kunen assertion, ruling out the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding $j:V\to V$.

This talk covers very recent joint work with Emil Jeřábek, Ali Sadegh Daghighi and Mohammad Golshani, based on an interaction growing out of Ali’s question on MathOverflow, which lead to our recent article, The role of the axiom of foundation in the Kunen inconsistency.

Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness, Harvard, August 2013

I will be participating in the culminating workshop of the Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness conference series at Harvard University, to take place August 31-September 1, 2013.  Rather than conference talks, the program will consist of extended discussion sessions by the participants of the year-long series, with the discussion framed by very brief summary presentations.  Peter Koellner asked me to prepare such a presentation on the multiverse conception, and you can see the slides in The multiverse perspective in set theory (Slides).

My previous EFI talk was The multiverse perspective on determinateness in set theory, based in part on my paper The set-theoretical multiverse.

Satisfaction is not absolute, Connecticut, October 2013

This will be a talk for the Logic Seminar in the Mathematics Department at the University of Connecticut in Storrs on October 25, 2013.

Abstract. The satisfaction relation $\mathcal{N}\models\varphi[\vec a]$ of first-order logic, it turns out, is less absolute than might have been supposed.  Two models of set theory, for example, can agree on their natural numbers and on what they think is the standard model of arithmetic $\langle\mathbb{N},{+},{\cdot},0,1,{\lt}\rangle$, yet disagree on their theories of arithmetic truth, the first-order truths of this structure.  Two models of set theory can have the same natural numbers and the same reals, yet disagree on projective truth.  Two models of set theory can have the same natural numbers and a computable linear order in common, yet disagree about whether it is well-ordered.  Two models of set theory can have a transitive rank initial segment $V_\delta$ in common, yet disagree about whether it is a model of ZFC.  The arguments rely mainly on elementary classical methods.

This is joint work with Ruizhi Yang (Fudan University, Shanghai), and our manuscript will be available soon, in which we prove these and several other very general facts showing that satisfaction is not absolute.  On the basis of these mathematical results, we mount a philosophical argument that a commitment to the determinateness of truth in a structure, such as the case of arithmetic truth in the standard model of arithmetic, cannot result solely from the determinateness of the structure itself in which that truth resides; rather, it must be seen as a separate, higher-order ontological commitment.

University of Connecticut Logic Seminar | Article

Workshop on paraconsistent set theory, Connecticut, October 2013

I’ll be participating in a workshop at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, philosophy department on October 26-27, 2013, on paraconsistent set theory, organized by Graham Priest and JC Beall.  I am given to understand that part of the goal is to develop additional or improved model-construction methods, with which one might expand the range of possible behaviors that we know about.

Universal structures: the countable random graph, the surreal numbers and the hypnagogic digraph, Swarthmore College, October 2013

I’ll be speaking for the Swarthmore College Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium on October 8th, 2013.






Abstract.  I’ll be giving an introduction to universal structures in mathematics, where a structure $\mathcal{M}$ is universal for a class of structures, if every structure in that class arises as (isomorphic to) a substructure of $\mathcal{M}$.  For example, Cantor proved that the rational line $\mathbb{Q}$ is universal for all countable linear orders.  Is a corresponding fact true of the real line for linear orders of that size? Are there countably universal partial orders? Is there a countably universal graph? directed graph? acyclic digraph?  Is there a countably universal group? We’ll answer all these questions and more, with an account of the countable random graph, generalizations to the random graded digraphs, Fraïssé limits, the role of saturation, the surreal numbers and the hypnagogic digraph.  The talk will conclude with some very recent work on universality amongst the models of set theory.


Embeddability amongst the countable models of set theory, plenary talk for ASL / Joint Math Meetings in Baltimore, January 2014

A one-hour plenary talk for the ASL at the Joint Math Meetings, January 15-18, 2014 in Baltimore, MD.

Saturday January 18, 2014, 2:00 p.m.-2:50 p.m, Room 319 BCC

Abstract. A surprisingly vigorous embeddability phenomenon has recently been uncovered amongst the countable models of set theory.  In particular, embeddability is linear:  for any two countable models of set theory, one of them is isomorphic to a submodel of the other.  In particular, every countable model of set theory, including every well-founded model, is isomorphic to a submodel of its own constructible universe, so that there is an embedding $j:M\to L^M$ for which $x\in y\iff j(x)\in j(y)$. The proof uses universal digraph combinatorics, including an acyclic version of the countable random digraph, which I call the countable random $\mathbb{Q}$-graded digraph, and higher analogues arising as uncountable Fraïssé limits, leading to the hypnagogic digraph, a set-homogeneous, class-universal, surreal-numbers-graded acyclic class digraph, closely connected with the surreal numbers.

Slides | ArticleJMM Schedule

Panelist at the Infinity Salon for the World Science Festival, NYC, June 2013

The World Science Festival is coming to New York (May 29 — June 2), with numerous interesting events, including the infinity salon, an intimate, free-wheeling discussion about infinity, entitled The future of Infinity:  Solving Math’s most notorious problem, for an audience of experts.

I shall be on the panel along with Steven Strogatz, W. Hugh Woodin and others,  moderated by Keith Devlin.

I’m looking forward to it!

(Note that tickets are required for many events.)

From the salon web site:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

3:30 PM – 5:00 PM


In 1873, Georg Cantor proved that there are different sizes of infinity. Cantor tried to answer the question by proposing the Continuum Hypothesis. A solution of sorts was found in 1963, but the answer—proof that there was no proof—raised questions about the foundations of mathematics. Most deemed that counting the infinite was beyond mathematical precision. Recently, progress has been made, and the Continuum Hypothesis might have a definite answer—true or false.


The World Science Festival’s annual salon series offers in-depth conversations with leading scientists, extending the discussion of the Festival’s premiere public programs to graduate students, postdocs, faculty and well-informed members of the general public.

Keith Devlin’s blog post about the discussion

Universality, saturation and the surreal number line, Shanghai, June 2013

Fudan bridgeThis will be a short lecture series given at the conclusion of the graduate logic class in the Mathematical Logic group at Fudan University in Shanghai, June 13, 18 (or 20), 2013.

I will present an elementary introduction to the theory of universal orders and relations and saturated structures.  We’ll start with the classical fact, proved by Cantor, that the rational line is the universal countable linear order.  But what about universal partial orders, universal graphs and other mathematical structures?  Is there a computable universal partial order?  What is the countable random graph? Which orders embed into  the power set of the natural numbers under the subset relation $\langle P(\mathbb{N}),\subset\rangle$? Proceeding to larger and larger universal orders, we’ll eventually arrive at the surreal numbers and the hypnagogic digraph.

Fudan University seal


Playing go with Jiachen

Playful paradox with large numbers, infinity and logic, Shanghai, June 2013

Playful paradox

This will be a talk at Fudan University in Shanghai, China, June 12, 2013, sponsored by the group in Mathematical Logic at Fudan, for a large audience of students.

Abstract: For success in mathematics and science, I recommend an attitude of playful curiosity about one’s subject. We shall accordingly explore a number of puzzling conundrums at the foundations of mathematics concerning issues with large numbers, infinity and logic. These are serious issues—and we’ll have serious things to say—while still having fun. Can one complete a task involving infinitely many steps? Are there some real numbers that in principle cannot be described? Is every true statement provable? Does every mathematical problem ultimately reduce to computational procedure? What is the largest natural number that can be written or described in ordinary type Fudan University seal on an index card? Which is bigger, a googol-bang-plex or a googol-plex-bang? Is every natural number interesting? Is every sentence either true or false or neither true nor false? We will explore these and many other puzzles and paradoxes involving large numbers, logic and infinity, and along the way, learn some interesting mathematics and philosophy.   The Largest-Number Contest.  In preparation for the talk, and with a nod to Douglas Hofstadter, we shall be holding a contest:  Who can describe the largest number on an ordinary index card?   See the contest announcement poster.

  1. A submission entry consists of the description of a positive integer written on an ordinary index card, using common mathematical operations and notation or English words and phrases.
  2. Write legibly, and use at most 100 symbols from the ordinary ASCII character set.  Bring your submission to the talk.
  3. Descriptions that fail to describe a number are disqualified.
  4. The submission with the largest number wins.
  5. The prize will be $1 million USD divided by the winning number itself, rounded to the nearest cent, plus another small token prize.

Example submissions: 



The population of Shanghai at this moment.

Read a more detailed account of the contest and its results.